
Store Research

Senate Bill 1355 (Carpenter-1984)

Chapter 1250, Statutes of 1984

Some bill research does not include the Governor's file because at the time we researched the bill, the sitting Governor had not released his chaptered bill file. If the Governor's file is not included with this particular research, please contact our office (1-530-666-1917 or quote@legintent.com) and we will be happy to provide this file at no charge if it is available. Please Note: Governor files did not exist prior to 1943.

An Enrolled Bill Report prepared by the Resources Agency summarizes Senate Bill 1355 stating that it “. . . would exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) the closing of any public school in which kindergarten or any grades one through twelve is maintained.” (See Exhibit #16, document PE-6)

The letter from Senator Carpenter to Governor Deukmejian requesting signature of Senate Bill 1355 stated the following regarding the measure:

In recent years many school districts have experienced declining enrollment and subsequent loss of financial resources, thus necessitating school closures. Yet, the districts must bear additional costs to prepare environmental impact reports before school closure can be implemented.

Senate Bill 1355 exempts school closure from the definition, in the California Environmental Quality Act, of projects for which environmental impact reports must be prepared. The Legislative Analyst estimates the exemption will save up to $100,000 per school district.

The bill does not remove the obligation on the part of districts to conduct public hearings on proposed school closures, it has no bearing on the issue of school reorganization, nor does it alter the requirement that an EIR be prepared on proposed future uses of the abandoned school site after closure occurred.
(See Exhibit #16, document PE-2)

The complete Legislative History Report and Analysis and documents with authenticating declaration expands upon the information above. In addition to available legislative file materials from the Assembly and Senate Committees, the author and the Governor, our research typically includes review for competitor and predecessor bills, interim reports, hearings, studies and other relevant background documentation unique to this legislation. To order a complete report, please contact us by e-mail at info@legintent.com, by faxing your request to (530) 668 5866, or by calling us toll free at 1-800-666-1917.