
Store Research


CHAPTER 562, STATUTES OF 1986, AB 2932

Some bill research does not include the Governor's file because at the time we researched the bill, the sitting Governor had not released his chaptered bill file. If the Governor's file is not included with this particular research, please contact our office (1-530-666-1917 or quote@legintent.com) and we will be happy to provide this file at no charge if it is available. Please Note: Governor files did not exist prior to 1943.

As enacted Assembly Bill 2932 amended only Welfare and Institutions Code sections 14170.1 and 14170.  (See Exhibit #1e) Assembly member Tucker introduced Assembly Bill 2932 on February 10, 1986 at the request of the California Pharmacy Association.  (See Exhibits #1a; #3, page 2; and #11, document PE-6) 

Assembly Bill 2932 was heard in the Assembly Committee on Health, and the Committee on Ways and Means. (See Exhibits #2, #3, and #4)  In the Senate it was referred to the Senate Committee on Health and Human Services and the Committee on Appropriations.  (See Exhibits #2, #6, and #7) The measure was amended three times prior to enactment.  (See Exhibits #1b through #1d and #2)  Governor George Deukmejian signed the bill on August 24, 1986, and it was recorded by the Secretary of State on August 25 as Chapter 562, Statutes of 1986.   (See Exhibit #1e and #2)

The Third Reading Analysis prepared by the Office of Senate Floor Analyses provides the following digest of Assembly Bill 2932 as last amended on July 3, 1986:

This bill: (1) extends the time period for the Department of Health Services (DHS) to review a noninstitutional Medi-Cal provider’s appeal of an audit; (2) assesses a 10 percent per month overpayment penalty against DHS for not meeting the time requirements or adopting a final decision within 180 days of the hearing; and (3) requires DHS to credit provider underpayments to any overpayments discovered from the same audit period.
(See Exhibit #9, page 1)