
Store Research


CHAPTER 1213, STATUTES OF 1991, AB 1200

Some bill research does not include the Governor's file because at the time we researched the bill, the sitting Governor had not released his chaptered bill file. If the Governor's file is not included with this particular research, please contact our office (1-530-666-1917 or quote@legintent.com) and we will be happy to provide this file at no charge if it is available. Please Note: Governor files did not exist prior to 1943.

Sections of the Education and Government Codes relating to school finance were affected in 1991 following legislative approval of Assembly Bill 1200. (See Exhibit #1j)  Assembly member Delaine Eastin introduced Assembly Bill 1200 on March 6, 1991.  (See Exhibit #1a) It appears that Assembly member Eastin authored this measure to prevent future public school budget disasters such as one that occurred in the Richmond Unified School District in 1990 and 1991.  (See Exhibit #18, document PE-2)

Assembly Bill 1200 was assigned to the Assembly Committee on Education for consideration of the policy issues raised by the bill.  (See Exhibit #3)  After approval by that Committee, the Assembly Committee on Ways and Means examined its fiscal ramifications.  (See Exhibit #5)  The Assembly amended the bill on April 25, May 15, and June 3, 1991.  (See Exhibits #1b through #1c and #2)  Assembly Bill 1200 was approved by the Assembly and forwarded to the Senate on June 28, 1991.  (See Exhibit #2) 

While in the Senate, the Committee on Education heard the policy issues presented by the bill.  (See Exhibit #9)  Subsequent to approval by that Committee, Assembly Bill 1200 was assigned to the Senate Committee on Appropriations which examined its fiscal implications.  (See Exhibit #2)  Five amendments were made to
Assembly Bill 1200 by the Senate, on July 11, August 21, August 26, September 6, and September 10, 1991.  (See Exhibits #1e through #1i and #2)  The Senate voted to pass the bill on September 12, 1991, and it was returned to the Assembly on that date.  (See Exhibit #2)

The Assembly approved the Senate amendments and forwarded Assembly Bill 1200 to the Governor on September 27, 1991.  Governor Pete Wilson signed the bill on October 14, 1991.  Assembly Bill 1200 was recorded by the Secretary of State on that date as Chapter 1213 of the Statutes of 1991.  (See Exhibits #1j and #2) 

The analysis of the Assembly Committee on Education provided the following background discussion regarding Assembly Bill 1200:

Background.  According to the author, the purpose of the bill is to intervene earlier in financially troubled districts in order to avoid catastrophic situations like that of Richmond Unified School District.  The author cites the fact that the Richmond district operated for almost two years without an approved budget.  Had the process provided earlier and more forceful intervention, perhaps the district's bankruptcy could have been avoided.
(See Exhibit #3, page 2)