
Store Research

Senate Bill 273 (Johnson– 1979)

Chapter 1145, Statutes of 1979 SB 273

Some bill research does not include the Governor's file because at the time we researched the bill, the sitting Governor had not released his chaptered bill file. If the Governor's file is not included with this particular research, please contact our office (1-530-666-1917 or quote@legintent.com) and we will be happy to provide this file at no charge if it is available. Please Note: Governor files did not exist prior to 1943.

As enacted, Senate Bill 273 added and repealed, on its own terms, Government Code sections 50950 through 50978 relating to volunteer firefighters.  (See Exhibit A, #1f)  Senator Johnson introduced this bill on January 29, 1979 at the request of the California State Firemens Association.  (See Exhibit A, #1a and #4, document SP-3)


Senate Bill 273 was assigned to both the Senate and Assembly Committees on Public Employment and Retirement where policy issues raised by the bill were considered.  (See Exhibit A, #3 and #2)  The fiscal ramifications of the bill were considered by the Senate Committee on Finance and the Assembly Committee on Ways and Means.  (See Exhibit A, #2 and #8)  Four amendments were made to Senate Bill 273.  (See Exhibit A, #1b through #1e and #2)  Subsequent to legislative approval, Governor Edmund G. Brown. Jr., signed Senate Bill 273 on September 28, 1979 and it was recorded by the Secretary of State on September 29th as Chapter 1145 of the Statutes of 1979.  (See Exhibit A, #1f)


Senate Bill 273 contained a sunset clause which would cause the bill to repeal on its own terms on January 1, 1985, unless another bill is enacted before that date to delete or extend the date.  (See Exhibit A, #1f, page 4193)


An Enrolled Bill Memorandum to the Governor dated September 27, 1979 gives the following summary of Senate Bill 273:


This bill would establish a permissive retirement system for volunteer firefighters.  The bill provides an incentive to the volunteer to train, drill, and respond to emergencies.  The maximum award is $100 a month at age 50, after 20 years of service.  The Board of Administration of Public Employees Retirement System would administer the program through contractual agreements with local governments.  The State Board of Fire Services would approve the point system, and the training and drill content.  The bill provides for voter approval before the retirement system can be established.

(See Exhibit A, #11, document PE-2)