
Store Research


CHAPTER 800, STATUTES OF 1995 - AB 914

Some bill research does not include the Governor's file because at the time we researched the bill, the sitting Governor had not released his chaptered bill file. If the Governor's file is not included with this particular research, please contact our office (1-530-666-1917 or quote@legintent.com) and we will be happy to provide this file at no charge if it is available. Please Note: Governor files did not exist prior to 1943.

As enacted Assembly Bill 914 was a single-section bill that only amended Labor Code section 3602.  (See Exhibit #1f)  Assembly member Jim Cunneen introduced Assembly Bill 914 on February 22, 1995 at the request of the California Association of Temporary Services (CATS).  (See Exhibits #1a and #3)  Support for the measure came from entities such as the California Chamber of Commerce, the California Manufacturers Association, the Department of Insurance, the California Association of Professional Employer Organizations and the California Coalition of Compensation Companies, among others.  (See Exhibits #3, #6, and #8b, page 3)  Opposition to the bill was received from the California Labor Federation, AFL-CIO as well as the Department of Industrial Relations.  (See Exhibits #6 and #12, documents PE-5 through PE-9)


Assembly Bill 914 was assigned to the Assembly Committee on Insurance where policy issues raised by the bill were considered.  (See Exhibit #3)  The Assembly amended the measure on March 30, 1995 and May 9, 1995.  (See Exhibits #1b, #1c, and #2)  Assembly Bill 914 was approved by the Assembly and forwarded to the Senate on May 11, 1995.  (See Exhibit #2)


While in the Senate, the Senate Committee on Industrial Relations considered the policy issues raised by the bill.  (See Exhibit #6)  The Senate made two amendments to Assembly Bill 914, on July 18, 1995 and July 28, 1995.  (See Exhibits #1d, #1e, and #2)  The Senate thereafter approved the measure and returned it to the Assembly.  (See Exhibit #2)


The Assembly approved the Senate amendments and forwarded Assembly Bill 914 to the Governor on September 8, 1995.  Governor Pete Wilson signed the bill on October 12, 1995 and the Secretary of State recorded it on that date as Chapter 800 of the Statutes of 1995.  (See Exhibits #1f and #2)


The Third Reading analysis prepared by the Office of Senate Floor Analyses provides the following description of Assembly Bill 914 as it was last amended on July 28, 1995:


DIGEST:  This bill permits an employer to satisfy the requirement to secure the payment of workers’ compensation for employees provided by another employer by entering into a “valid and enforceable agreement” with the other employer to provide coverage for the workers.

(See Exhibit #8b, page 1)