Store Research
Senate Bill 565 (Murdy – 1957)
Chapter 104, Statutes of 1957 - SB 565
Some bill research does not include the Governor's file because at the time we researched the bill, the sitting Governor had not released his chaptered bill file. If the Governor's file is not included with this particular research, please contact our office (1-530-666-1917 or and we will be happy to provide this file at no charge if it is available. Please Note: Governor files did not exist prior to 1943.
Public Resources Code section 6873 was amended in 1957 following legislative passage of Senate Bill 565. (See Exhibits #1a through #1c) Senator John A. Murdy, Jr. introduced this measure pertaining to oil, gas, and mineral leases of state lands, on January 15, 1957. (See Exhibit #1a)
Senate Bill 565 was assigned to the Senate Committee on Natural Resources and the Assembly Committee on Manufacturing, Oil and Mining Industry where policy issues raised by the bill were considered. (See Exhibit #2) One amendment was made to Senate Bill 565 during legislative consideration. (See Exhibit #1b) Subsequent to legislative approval, Governor Goodwin G. Knight signed the bill on April 16, 1957, and it was recorded by the Secretary of State that day as Chapter 104 of the Statutes of 1957. (See Exhibits #1c and #2)
Neither of the committees hearing this bill nor its author have left documentation surviving upon its consideration. Given these circumstances, we located the post-enrollment legislative bill file for the Governor regarding this legislation; unfortunately, the documents surviving in this file simply paraphrase the text of the bill, providing no background discussion. (See generally, Exhibit #4) We note that the state entities of whom input on the bill was requested by the Governor's staff were only Legislative Counsel, the Attorney General, and the State Lands Commission. (See Exhibit #4, document PE-1)
The Legislative Counsel analysis of Senate Bill 565 as introduced summarized the bill as follows:
Amends Sec. 6873, P.R.C., re oil and gas leases of State's tide and submerged lands.
Excepts deposit on, or passage into, waters of ocean, bay, or inlet of water not containing hydrocarbons or vegetable or animal matter, from provision requiring such leases to prohibit pollution and contamination of, and deposit of residuary products of oil or any refuse into, such waters.
Authorizes State Lands Commission to amend existing leases, with consent of lessee, to conform with present law governing drilling operations, pollution and contamination of waters, and drilling structures; but requires amended leases to incorporate rules and regulations of commission governing drilling operations and offshore filled lands or structures used in drilling operations, which were in effect at time of amendment of lease rather than at time of invitation for bids pursuant to which lease was awarded.
(See Exhibit #3, page 64)