
Store Research

Genealogy of the California Codes

Some bill research does not include the Governor's file because at the time we researched the bill, the sitting Governor had not released his chaptered bill file. If the Governor's file is not included with this particular research, please contact our office (1-530-666-1917 or quote@legintent.com) and we will be happy to provide this file at no charge if it is available. Please Note: Governor files did not exist prior to 1943.

Investigative Consumer Reporting Agencies Act.  Our review of the annotated history of this Act reveals the following legislative history (every “c.” represents a separate legislative bill):

Year/Chapter        § § affected




1975, c. 1272        1786, 1786.1, 1786.2, 1786.10, 1786.12, 1786.14, 1786.16, 1786.18, 1786.20,1786.22, 1786.24, 1786.26, 1786.28, 1786.30, 1786.40, 1786.50, 1786.52, 1786.54 1786.56,
1976, c. 666        1786.22, 1786.26,
1976, c. 1150        1786.2, 1786.12, 1786.16, 1786.40,
1977, c. 579        1786.26,
1982, c. 1127        1786, 1786.2, 1786.12, 1786.16, 1786.18, 1786.40,
1991, c. 965        1786.18,
1994, c. 1010        1786.2,
1998, c. 988        1786.2, 1786.10, 1786.11, 1786.12, 1786.16, 1786.18, 1786.20, 1786.24, 1786.26,
1786.30, 1786.40, 1786.50,
2001, c. 354        1786, 1786.2, 1786.10, 1786.11, 1786.16, 1786.18, 1786.20, 1786.24, 1786.26,
1786.28, 1786.29, 1786.40, 1786.50, 1786.52, 1786.53,
2002, c. 815        1786.57,
2002, c. 1029        1786.11, 1786.18, 1786.20, 1786.24, 1786.50,
2002, c. 1030        1786.16, 1786.24, 1786.29, 1786.40, 1786.53, 1786.55, 1786.60,
2003, c. 146        1786.20, 1786.50,
2003, c. 907        1786.60
2004, c. 183        1786.24,
2006, c. 538        1786.20

For over 35 years, Legislative Intent Service, Inc. has provided the legislative history for legislative bills that affected all code sections and charges a research fee for each bill researched.  We count 16 bills as having affected the series of sections within the Act.




This is current through 2006 only.