Store Research
Legislative Intent Service, Inc. Celebrates 50 Years!
Some bill research does not include the Governor's file because at the time we researched the bill, the sitting Governor had not released his chaptered bill file. If the Governor's file is not included with this particular research, please contact our office (1-530-666-1917 or and we will be happy to provide this file at no charge if it is available. Please Note: Governor files did not exist prior to 1943.
Your partner in legislative history research for 50 years!
(530) 666-1917 •
Our 50th year! This year marks 50 years of providing legislative intent research to lawyers, law librarians and information specialists and other legal professionals all around the country. What started as a couple of recent law graduates answering questions for California attorneys about what the Legislature in Sacramento was up to has evolved into providing the history and intent of statutes and regulations in all 50 states and at the federal level.
What Does Our Longevity Mean For you? We were accessing legislative and administrative history materials before it was standard practice to keep files. In some cases, we have materials that are not available anywhere else.
In addition, our decades of institutional knowledge means we know how to find things related to legislative intent. If we don’t have something in-house, we know how to get it more efficiently than someone trying to search online for an answer.
We know that the types of documents available in 2024 are not the same documents available for bills enacted in 1824 and 1924, and we know what are available for these and any other earlier time periods. Our goal is always to locate these documents and to keep digging for more. So, when clients call and ask our staff attorneys if there could possibly be any materials available on their bill in question, our answer is always, “yes!”
how we can help you: Need legislative intent and history research? We’ll provide you with a free email quote, M-F, within one to three hours. Email us at or simply reply to this email or call us directly at 1-530-666-1917.
- Our Services: federal and state legislation and areas of expertise.
- Free Quotes: Email or call 1-530-666-1917 with your request and one of our attorneys will provide you with a free quote for legislative history research for federal and state laws and regulations.
- LIS Online Store offers fast and inexpensive legislative histories.
- Free Points and Authorities for states and federal legislative intent and history research.
- Cases citing to LIS.
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