
Store Research

Title 8, California Code of Regulations section 11160 IWC Wage Order No. 16

As adopted and effective October 1, 2000 and amended and effective January 1, 2001

Some bill research does not include the Governor's file because at the time we researched the bill, the sitting Governor had not released his chaptered bill file. If the Governor's file is not included with this particular research, please contact our office (1-530-666-1917 or quote@legintent.com) and we will be happy to provide this file at no charge if it is available. Please Note: Governor files did not exist prior to 1943.

The history of the actions of the IWC to revise all California Wage Orders in 2000 as a response to Assembly Bill 60, Chapter 134, Statutes of 1999 is somewhat complex.  To restate it simply here, we quote from the Statement of Basis for the Interim Wage Orders 2000:

TAKE NOTICE Pursuant to the “Eight-Hour-Day Restoration and Workplace Flexibility Act,” Stats. 1999, ch. 134 (commonly referred to as “AB 60”), the Legislature reaffirmed the State’s commitment to the eight-hour workday standard and daily overtime, and authorized workers to adopt regularly scheduled alternative work days and weeks according to statutory and regulatory provisions. The Industrial Welfare Commission of the State of California (“IWC”), in accordance with the authority vested in it by the California Constitution, Article 14, Section 1, as well as Labor Code §§ 500-558, and 1171-1204, held public meetings and investigative hearings during which it received public comment regarding the implementation of AB 60 and, on March 1, 2000, the IWC’s Interim Wage Order - 2000 became effective. The IWC subsequently has held additional public meetings and public hearings pursuant to Labor Code §517(a) to further review all of its Wage Orders for purposes of complying with AB 60. The IWC has considered all correspondence, verbal presentations, and other written materials submitted prior to the adoption of amended wage orders. The IWC submits the following statement as to the basis for the various amendments made to sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 9, 11, 12, 17, and 201 of Wage Orders 1 through 15, and to the Interim Wage Order - 2000. The Statements as to the Basis for the remaining parts of the IWC’s wage orders are contained in prior printings of those orders. These remaining parts have not been changed, and there is no need for an explanation because the IWC is continuing in effect regulations that have previously become a part of the standard working conditions of employees in this State.
    (See Exhibit D, #2, page 1)

Preceding the adoption of Wage Order 2000 in October, 2000, the Industrial Welfare Commission issued an Interim Wage Order, accompanied by a Statement As to the Basis.  (See Exhibit D, #1 and #2)  Prior to this Interim Wage Order employees working in on-site occupations in construction, drilling, mining and logging were exempt from the IWC’s wage orders. (See Exhibit D, #3, page 1)  The 2000 Interim Wage Order specifically covered these employees.  (See Exhibit D, #1, page 5) The Statement as to the Basis of the Interim Wage Order did not include specifics of this new Wage Order
16-2000 instead the IWC provided a separate Statement as to the Basis of Wage Order 16.  (See Exhibit D, #3) 

As you may be aware, there are literally 1000s of pages documenting the effort of the IWC.  We have prepared an informal index of the documentation of the 19 public meetings held to implement Assembly Bill 60 mandates in 1999/2000.  (See Exhibit A, #1)  For every meeting there are public notices which include an agenda and minutes produced after the meeting. That listed as Exhibit A is the public notices and minutes for all 19 meetings.  (See Exhibit A generally)