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Legislative Intent Service, Inc. News & Notes

Some bill research does not include the Governor's file because at the time we researched the bill, the sitting Governor had not released his chaptered bill file. If the Governor's file is not included with this particular research, please contact our office (1-530-666-1917 or quote@legintent.com) and we will be happy to provide this file at no charge if it is available. Please Note: Governor files did not exist prior to 1943.


Your partner in legislative history research for 40 years!

(800) 666‑1917 • www.legintent.com     



Rule-making 101:
 We are often asked if we research regulations (or rules, depending on your jurisdiction) as well as legislation and we do! 

States and the Federal Government have a legislated process that dictates how an agency can enact rules.  In California, the Administrative Procedure Act is laid out in Government Code section 11340 et seq .  For a “regular” rulemaking for California, we are typically able to access documents including the “notice of proposed rulemaking,” “initial statement of reasons” and a “final statement of reasons.”  Transcripts often exist for public hearings and we are often able to access correspondence received by the agency regarding the proposed rules and the agency response to this correspondence. 

The “emergency” rulemaking process in California has different requirements, including a shorter timeframe for receiving comments.

You can find out more about rulemaking from the Office of Administrative Law , which governs the rulemaking of all of the other state agencies.

There is less information available for Federal rulemaking, however we are able to trace the proposed and final regulations through the Federal Register, which often provides a large amount of insight into the purpose and intent behind the regulations.  We also dig for agency publications and other communications searching for insight and intent.

The Legislature vs. State Agencies: A Short Anecdote : There is often an interesting relationship between the legislature and state agencies (and we will just leave that at that).  As a law student, Jenny Lillge, one of the LIS attorneys, worked for a state agency in Oregon.  At one point, her manager admitted, “I hate when the legislature is in session.  They change our laws quickly and leave us with months of work fixing our rules.”

Wheels on the Bus Go Round and Round . . . :  At the beginning of July, our co-founder, Tom Stallard , was sworn in as the mayor of Woodland .  He will serve for two years in this leadership capacity.  Tom has been an actively involved member of Yolo County and more specifically the City of Woodland for many years.  While serving as mayor, we at LIS will still see him daily because his office is in our lovely old building .  At the beginning of June, LIS hired a new attorney, Heather Thomas (hthomas@legintent.com).  Heather joins the staff of attorneys , Maria (msanders@legintent.com), Jenny (jlillge@legintent.com) and Karen (kharrison@legintent.com).  Maria will be leaving at the end of this week for six weeks to accompany her husband in Europe as he teaches a UC study abroad course on genetics.  While she’s away, Jenny, Karen and Heather will be in the office Monday through Friday handling your calls, quotes, and research projects. 

Three Free Self-Study MCLEs:  LIS now offers THREE California State Bar approved self-study exams on the separate subjects of legislative process (1 hr.), the California Public Records Act of 1968 (1 hr.) and legal ethics (1 hr. ethics!).  These free exams are easily available 24/7 at our website for your convenience and will help you meet your State Bar MCLE compliance.  In a timely manner, we will correct the exams and provide you with your State Bar approved certificates electronically. 

Free Quotes:   Need legislative intent and history research?  We’ll provide you with a free email quote, M-F, within one to three hours.  Fill out the “Contact” form at our website or simply reply to this email or call us directly at 1-800-666-1917.

LIS 40th Anniversary:  With 2014 marking Legislative Intent Service, Inc. ’s 40th year in business, LIS has been in the business of researching legislative history and intent longer than any other private research law firm in California. Many of our long-term clients can look back to our earlier days because they still have our research binders available to their attorneys on their office and library shelves. Now, with pdf delivery of documents, our clients have their legislative history research needs met quickly and completely without copying or scanning charges!

LIS provides excellence in research built upon these four decades of experience, leading to an unparalleled expertise in legislative intent, history and research by our staff attorneys and researchers.  Our firm researches all 50 states’ and federal bills. We also research state and federal regulations and California’s Industrial Welfare Commission. Visit our website to learn more about how our legislative research, whether custom or online store , can help you win your case!


  • Our Services :  federal and state legislation and areas of expertise.
  • Free Quotes :  Call toll-free 1-800-666-1917 or email your request and one of our LIS attorneys will provide you with a free quote for legislative history research for federal and state laws and regulations. 
  • Free MCLEs :  1 hr. legislative history, 1 hr. ethics, and 1 hr. California Public Records Act 

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