Store Research
SENATE BILL 1865 (PERATA – 2000)
Some bill research does not include the Governor's file because at the time we researched the bill, the sitting Governor had not released his chaptered bill file. If the Governor's file is not included with this particular research, please contact our office (1-530-666-1917 or and we will be happy to provide this file at no charge if it is available. Please Note: Governor files did not exist prior to 1943.
Several Health and Safety Code sections relating to air pollution were affected following legislative approval of Senate Bill 1865 of 2000. (See Exhibit #1j, page 7) Senator Don Perata first introduced the measure on February 24, 2000 as lead author and was later joined by Assembly members Torlakson and Romero. (See Exhibits #1a, #1g and #1h) He carried this bill for the California District Attorneys Association, the Los Angeles District Attorney and the Bay Area Quality Management District. (See Exhibits #5a, page 1; #9a, page 1; and #19, document PE-7)
The bill was heard in the Senate Committee on Environmental Quality, the Senate Committee on Public Safety, the Assembly Committee on Natural Resources and the Assembly Committee on Public Safety where policy issues raised by the measure were considered. (See Exhibits #3, #5, #11, and #13) The Senate and Assembly Committees on Appropriations examined its fiscal implications. (See Exhibits #7 and #15) Following eight amendments, five in the Senate and three in the Assembly, Senate Bill 1865 was approved by the Legislature. (See Exhibits #1b through #1i and #2) Shortly thereafter, Governor Gray Davis signed the legislation on September 28th and the Secretary of State recorded it on that date as Chapter 805 of the Statutes of 2000. (See Exhibits #1j and #2)
The Unfinished Business analysis of the Office of Senate Floor Analyses provided the following digest of the provisions of Senate Bill 1865 as last amended on August 24, 2000:
DIGEST: This bill, in most cases, increases the existing civil and criminal penalties for air quality violations to make them similar to penalties for water pollution and hazardous waste law and to reorganize the air quality provisions so that like violations appear in the same sections.
Assembly Amendments were numerous and represent a consensus between proponents and opponents. There is no known opposition to this version of the bill. . . .
(See Exhibit #18, page 2)