Store Research
Some bill research does not include the Governor's file because at the time we researched the bill, the sitting Governor had not released his chaptered bill file. If the Governor's file is not included with this particular research, please contact our office (1-530-666-1917 or and we will be happy to provide this file at no charge if it is available. Please Note: Governor files did not exist prior to 1943.
As enacted Assembly Bill 2937 amended, added, and repealed Health and Safety Code sections and Water Code sections relating to pollution enforcement. (See Exhibit A, #1h) Assembly members Brulte and Olberg introduced the bill on February 23, 1996 at the request of the California Manufacturing Association. (See Exhibit A, #1a and #3, page 1)
Assembly Bill 2937 was assigned to the Assembly Committee on Natural Resources, Senate Committee on Toxics and Public Safety Management and the Senate Committee on Criminal Procedure where policy issues raised by the bill were considered. (See Exhibit A, #2, #3 and #9) The fiscal ramifications of the bill were considered by the Assembly Committee on Appropriations and the Senate Committee on Appropriations. (See Exhibit A, #5 and #12) Six amendments were made to Assembly Bill 2937. (See Exhibit A, #1b through #1g and #2) Subsequent to legislative approval, Governor Pete Wilson signed the bill on September 21, 1996, and it was recorded by the Secretary of State on Se as Chapter 775 of the Statutes of 1996. (See Exhibit A, #1h and #2)
DIGEST: This bill requires the State Air Resources Board, air pollution control and air quality management districts, the State Water Resources Control Board, and the California regional water quality control boards to adopt regulations classifying minor violations. The bill defines the term “notice to comply” and requires a representative of those agencies who, in the course of conducting an inspection, detects a minor violation, to issue a notice to comply. The bill requires the state air board and state water board to report to the Legislature by January 1, 2000, regarding implementation of the bill.
(See Exhibit A, #14, page 1)