Store Research
Assembly Bill 2187 (Waters – 1986)
Chapter 463, Statutes of 1986 AB 2187
Some bill research does not include the Governor's file because at the time we researched the bill, the sitting Governor had not released his chaptered bill file. If the Governor's file is not included with this particular research, please contact our office (1-530-666-1917 or and we will be happy to provide this file at no charge if it is available. Please Note: Governor files did not exist prior to 1943.
Numerous Health and Safety Code sections were amended and added and section 25505.3 was repealed in 1986 following legislative passage of Assembly Bill 2187. (See Exhibit #1i) Assembly member Maxine Waters introduced Assembly Bill 2187 on March 8, 1985, then relating to landlords and tenants. (See Exhibit #1a) The bill was amended on January 9, 1986 to become, in part, a clean-up bill to Chapter 1167, Statutes of 1985 regarding hazardous materials. (See Exhibits #1b and #3, page 1) Support for the bill was received from the State Fire Marshal, the County of Napa, and the County of San Diego among several others. (See Exhibit #11a, page 4)
Assembly Bill 2187 was assigned to the Assembly Committee on Environmental Safety and Toxic Materials for consideration of the policy issues raised by the bill. (See Exhibit #3) After approval by that Committee, the Assembly Committee on Ways and Means examined its fiscal ramifications. (See Exhibit #4) The Assembly amended the bill on January 9, and January 22, 1986. (See Exhibits #1b, #1c, and #2) Assembly Bill 2187 was approved by the Assembly and forwarded to the Senate on January 29, 1986. (See Exhibit #2)
While in the Senate, the Committee on Toxics and Public Safety Management heard the policy issues presented by the bill. (See Exhibit #7) Subsequent to approval by that Committee, Assembly Bill 2187 was assigned to the Senate Committee on Appropriations which examined its fiscal implications. (See Exhibit #2) Five amendments were made to Assembly Bill 2187 by the Senate, on March 10, March 31, May 12, June 18, and July 10, 1986. (See Exhibits #1d through #1h and #2) The Senate voted to pass the bill on July 10, 1986, and it was returned to the Assembly on that date. (See Exhibit #2)
The Assembly approved the Senate amendments and forwarded Assembly Bill 2187 to the Governor on July 15, 1986. Governor George Deukmejian signed the bill on July 23, 1986. Assembly Bill 2187 was recorded by the Secretary of State as Chapter 463 of the Statutes of 1986. (See Exhibits #1i and #2) Assembly Bill 2187 contained an urgency clause which caused the bill to go into immediate effect upon enactment. The reason for the urgency is stated in section 27 of Chapter 463. (See Exhibit #1i, pages 16 and 17)
The analysis prepared by the Department of Finance on Assembly Bill 2187, as last amended on July 10, 1986, described the bill as follows:
This bill would extend the deadline for the Office of Emergency Services to adopt specified hazardous materials regulations from May 31, 1986 to September 1, 1986, create a Hazardous Material and Waste Enforcement Training Fund, establish a loan program for counties administered by the State Controller, and make other technical changes to the hazardous materials release planning law.
(See Exhibit #15, document PE-3)