Store Research
Senate Bill 1191 (Calderon – 1995)
Chapter 639, Statutes of 1995
Some bill research does not include the Governor's file because at the time we researched the bill, the sitting Governor had not released his chaptered bill file. If the Governor's file is not included with this particular research, please contact our office (1-530-666-1917 or and we will be happy to provide this file at no charge if it is available. Please Note: Governor files did not exist prior to 1943.
Numerous Health and Safety Code sections and Revenue and Taxation Code section 50108.1 were affected with the passage of Senate Bill 1191 of 1995. (See Exhibit #1j) Senator Charles Calderon, as Chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee, introduced this measure on February 24, 1995 at the request of the Department of Toxic Substances Control [“DTSC”]. (See Exhibits #1a, #3, #4, document SP‑9; and #13, document A-1)
While it was before the Senate, Senate Bill 1191 was assigned to the Senate Committee on Toxics and Public Safety Management where policy issues raised by the bill were considered. (See Exhibit #3) After approval by that Committee, the Senate Committee on Appropriations examined its fiscal ramifications. (See Exhibit #2) The Senate amended the bill on May 1, May 9, and May 16, 1995. (See Exhibits #1b, #1c, and #1d) Senate Bill 1191 was approved by the Senate and forwarded to the Assembly on June 1, 1995. (See Exhibit #2)
On the Assembly side, the Committee on Environmental Safety and Toxic Materials considered the policy issues raised by the bill. (See Exhibit #7) Subsequent to approval by that Committee, the measure was assigned to the Assembly Committee on Appropriations which examined its fiscal implications. (See Exhibit #9) Six amendments were made to Senate Bill 1191 by the Assembly,
on June 30, July 31, August 21, September 8, September 11, and September 14, 1995. (See Exhibits #1e through #1j) The Assembly thereafter approved the bill and returned it to the Senate. (See Exhibit #2)
The Senate approved the Assembly amendments and forwarded Senate Bill 1191 to the Governor on September 26, 1995. Governor Pete Wilson signed the bill on October 4, 1995 as Chapter 639, Statutes of 1995. (See Exhibits #1k and #2)
Senate Bill 1191 was described in the Unfinished Business analysis prepared by the Office of Senate Floor Analyses as follows:
DIGEST: This bill makes numerous changes to the Unified Hazardous Waste and Hazardous Materials Regulatory Program in order to eliminate duplication, improve consolidation of the affected programs, clarify program intent, clarify roles and responsibilities, and corrects various technical problems that have been identified.
(See Exhibit #12, page 1)