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LIS News and Notes

Our Bi-Monthly Newsletter

Some bill research does not include the Governor's file because at the time we researched the bill, the sitting Governor had not released his chaptered bill file. If the Governor's file is not included with this particular research, please contact our office (1-530-666-1917 or quote@legintent.com) and we will be happy to provide this file at no charge if it is available. Please Note: Governor files did not exist prior to 1943.


Wrap-up of 2009 Legislature:  The 2009-2010 Regular Session of the California legislature convened on Dec. 1, 2008 and the last day for each House to pass a bill was September 11, 2009.  In addition to the regular session, Governor Schwarzenegger called for seven extraordinary legislative sessions from Dec. 18, 2008 through October 14, 2009.  The topics addressed in these extraordinary sessions ranged from fiscal emergencies related to budget, unemployment insurance, and meeting federal stimulus money requirements to water conservation, water storage, water supplies and water restoration. You could say this was an extraordinarily busy year for the Legislature. In the 2009 regular session, there were 1,589 Assembly bills introduced and 833 Senate Bills introduced, not including Assembly and Senate Constitutional Amendment bills. There were approximately 300 bills additionally introduced in the seven extraordinary sessions. Thus, the total number of bills for 2009 approximated 2,722 bills. Out of the 2,722 regular and extraordinary session bills that were enrolled and presented for his signature [meaning they successfully made it out of their Assembly and Senate Committees, which approved the final versions], Gov. Schwarzenegger signed approximately 690 bills and vetoed approximately 260 bills. 

2009 Compendium of Notable Legislation:  We have just published up at our website our latest “Compendium” summarizing notable legislation from the 2009-2010 Session. You can review our Compendium without charge at your convenience by going to our website (legintent.com) and clicking on “New Laws” along the left-side, or paste into your browser: http://www.legintent.com/legislation/legislation2009.pdf  The Compendium is not exhaustive, but it does reflect a lot of the major bills that were reported on in our Northern California papers and supported by some of California’s more established state-wide interested groups, such as the League of California Cities, the California Teachers Association, California Manufacturers and Technology, the Consumer Attorneys of California, and the California State Bar sections on agribusiness, antitrust and unfair competition, business law, environmental law, patent law, and workers compensation, just to name a few of the sections promoting and tracking interested legislation this year.  We have been publishing the annual Compendium since 2005 and if you ever have time, you can trace the significant issues facing the state over the last few years because of the topics dominating that particular legislative session in our Compendiums.

Thank you!  We had an excellent response to our 35th Anniversary 35% discount day last Wednesday.  Thank you to all of our clients who called in that day requesting their discounts!  We gratefully thank all of our clients for the opportunity of 35 years of service!

Legislative Intent Research Savings:

  • When you place a customized research order for two legislative measures (state or federal) or two regulations (trace or rulemaking file) in December, use our Holiday/2009 20% discount coupon at:  http://www.legintent.com/discount.php   

  • LegIntentSTORE offers legislative histories for a reduced rate of $300 per bill.   Go to legintent.com to learn more!

  • Recovering your fees for LIS research is possible if your position prevails.  (Van de Kamp v. Gumbiner, 221 CA3rd 1260 (1990)).  LIS has been cited in over 60 court opinions.  See: http://www.legintent.com/cases.php

  • Those clients who responded to our January/2009 Survey and received their 25% Coupon Discount can use their coupon anytime during 2009 if they haven’t done so already. It’s now down to the last month of 2009!  Call in your Survey Discount!

  • Our free State Bar-approved self-study exam qualifies for 1.0 MCLE credit and is available online 24/7.  Need 1.0 hour of MCLE?  Simply go to:  http://www.legintent.com/onlinemcle.php