Store Research
CHAPTER 643, STATUTES OF 1969 - SB 968
Some bill research does not include the Governor's file because at the time we researched the bill, the sitting Governor had not released his chaptered bill file. If the Governor's file is not included with this particular research, please contact our office (1-530-666-1917 or and we will be happy to provide this file at no charge if it is available. Please Note: Governor files did not exist prior to 1943.
Penal Code sections 4020.4, 4020.7, 4020.8 and 4021 were amended and Penal Code sections 4020.5 and 4020.6 were repealed in 1969 following legislative approval of Senate Bill 968, which affected these sections only. (See Exhibit #1d) This bill was introduced on April 8, 1969 by Senator Clark L. Bradley at the request of the California Peace Officers’ Association and the District Attorneys’ Association of California. (See Exhibits #1a and #5, document PE-10)
Senate Bill 968 was assigned to the Senate Committee on Judiciary and the Assembly Committee on Criminal Procedure where policy issues raised by the bill were considered. (See Exhibit #2) Two amendments were made to Senate Bill 968. (See Exhibits #1b, #1c, and #2) Subsequent to legislative approval, Governor Ronald Reagan signed Senate Bill 968 on July 31, 1969 and it was recorded by the Secretary of State on that day as Chapter 643 of the Statutes of 1969. (See Exhibit #1d)
The Legislative Secretary’s Enrolled Bill Memorandum to the Governor described Senate Bill 968 as last amended as follows:
SB 968 eliminates office of matron of the county jail, and requires that counties with a population of more than 475,000 have a female deputy sheriff in charges of female prisoners. In counties with population of 275,000 or less, if they do not have a regular jail female deputy sheriff, a suitable woman is to be appointed[] to have the immediate care of female prisoners.
(See Exhibit #5, document PE-3)