
Store Research

Senate Bill 1927 (Ayala-1976)

Chapter 581, Statutes of 1976

Some bill research does not include the Governor's file because at the time we researched the bill, the sitting Governor had not released his chaptered bill file. If the Governor's file is not included with this particular research, please contact our office (1-530-666-1917 or quote@legintent.com) and we will be happy to provide this file at no charge if it is available. Please Note: Governor files did not exist prior to 1943.

The analysis of the Senate Committee on Agriculture and Water Resources contains the following digest of Senate Bill 1927:

Existing law provides, in the Counties of San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, Ventura, Los Angeles, Orange, San Diego, Imperial, Riverside, and San Bernardino, that cessation of or reduction in the extraction of ground water by the owner of a right to extract, as a result of using an alternate supply from a nontributary source, is a beneficial use of water. Under such conditions, loss of rights in ground water are precluded.

SB 1927 removes the geographic restraints specified above and applies the law statewide.

The bill also provides that cessation of or reduction in the extraction of ground water, to permit replenishment of such ground water by water from an alternate nontributary source, is a beneficial use of water. The provisions of this Section (Section 2 of the bill) apply to the entire State with the exception of the Counties of San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, Ventura, Los Angeles, Orange, San Diego, Imperial, Riverside, and San Bernardino.
(See Exhibit #3)

The Enrolled Bill Report of the State Water Resources Control Board discusses the need for the bill stating:

In many areas of the State there is an overdraft of ground water basins which results in increased pumping costs, intrusion of poor quality water, and other problems. Yet many ground water users are afraid to reduce pumping least they lose their water rights by prescription. Present law protects continuance of the right to extract ground water in certain designated counties in Southern California to the extent the reduction is the result of the use of an alternate supply from a nontributary source. Extending the present law to make it applicable statewide would make it available wherever needed. This would benefit not only the water users in critical areas, but also it would help promote conjunctive surface ground water management.

This program, which protects ground water rights against loss when alternate supplies are available and being used, is in the public interest and should be extended. The conservation of water and the use of surface water when it is plentiful rather than ground water, which is in storage, and available for use during dry years, should be encouraged.
(See Exhibit #8, documents PE-4 and PE-5)

The complete Legislative History Report and Analysis and documents with authenticating declaration expands upon the information above. In addition to available legislative file materials from the Assembly and Senate Committees, the author and the Governor, our research typically includes review for competitor and predecessor bills, interim reports, hearings, studies and other relevant background documentation unique to this legislation. To order a complete report, please contact us by e-mail at info@legintent.com, by faxing your request to (530) 668 5866, or by calling us toll free at 1-800-666-1917.