Store Research
January 26, 2011
Some bill research does not include the Governor's file because at the time we researched the bill, the sitting Governor had not released his chaptered bill file. If the Governor's file is not included with this particular research, please contact our office (1-530-666-1917 or and we will be happy to provide this file at no charge if it is available. Please Note: Governor files did not exist prior to 1943.
FOR OVER 35 YEARS, LEGISLATIVE INTENT SERVICE, INC. has provided the legislative history of States’ legislative bills. We offer different options for obtaining these legislative history and intent materials.
We collect surviving legislative committees’ analyses and their bill files, author’s or sponsor’s legislative bill files, Governors’ post-enrollment bill files, each amended version of each bill, final history, and any other related legislative committee file or document that may have been generated on the bill. We include failed predecessor and/or competitor bills that sought to affect the section language in the same way as the successful bill, which will provide the attorney with useful insight as to the background and development of language of interest to them.
The legislative history and intent materials are electronically posted, without charge, to a secured website for your download retrieval into your database via a password that we email to you – the materials will be bookmarked and you can review them at your convenience on your screen or print pages as you see fit.
These pdf materials will include, without additional charge, our objective report on the history of the bill ordered, with a focus on your code section. This report assures the thoroughness of our research, noting sources such as competitor and predecessor bills as well as studies and hearings or model language, and also serves as a guide to the reader through the legislative history of the bill in question.
We also prepare a declaration that serves as a first step towards authenticating the legislative history materials that we have gathered on the bill, and is useful when offering the legislative history materials as evidence.
We provide free Quotes! Call us (800-666-1917) or email your request to us by going to: and one of our attorneys will promptly answer your inquiry.