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Legislative Intent Service, Inc. News & Notes
Some bill research does not include the Governor's file because at the time we researched the bill, the sitting Governor had not released his chaptered bill file. If the Governor's file is not included with this particular research, please contact our office (1-530-666-1917 or and we will be happy to provide this file at no charge if it is available. Please Note: Governor files did not exist prior to 1943.
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Federal Legislation: Next Tuesday, November 4th, is Election Day across the United States. As you plan your trip to the ballot box, here are a few of the latest federal bills recently signed by President Obama that may be of interest:
- S 2154: “Emergency Medical Services for Children Reauthorization Act of 2014,” carried by Senator Robert Casey and signed into law on September 26, 2014. This bill amends the Public Health Service Act to reauthorize the Emergency Medical Services for Children Program through fiscal year 2019.
- HJR 120: “Approving the location of a memorial to commemorate the more than 5,000 slaves and free Black persons who fought for independence in the American Revolution,” carried by Rep. G.K. Butterfield and signed into law September 26, 2014. This joint resolution bill would approve the selection of a site to commemorate and honor African-Americans who fought in the Revolutionary War. In 2013, the National Mall Liberty Fund, a non-profit organization, was authorized to establish the commemorative work on federal land in Washington, DC, or its environs without the use of federal funds.
- HR 4980: “Preventing Sex Trafficking and Strengthening Families Act,” carried by Rep. Dave Camp and signed into law on September 29, 2014. In part, this bill amends part E (Foster Care and Adoption Assistance) of title IV (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families) (TANF) of the Social Security Act (SSA) to require the state plan for foster care and adoption assistance to demonstrate that the state agency has developed policies and procedures for identifying, documenting in agency records, and determining appropriate services with respect to, any child or youth over whom the state agency has responsibility for placement, care, or supervision who the state has reasonable cause to believe is, or is at risk of being, a victim of sex trafficking or a severe form of trafficking in persons. The bill also authorizes a state, at its option, to identify and document any individual under age 26 without regard to whether the individual is or was in foster care under state responsibility.
- HR 4994: “IMPACT Act of 2014,” carried by Rep. Dave Camp and signed by the President on October 6, 2014. Improving Medicare Post-Acute Care Transformation Act of 2014 [or the IMPACT Act of 2014] includes amending title XVIII (Medicare) of the Social Security Act to direct the Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) to: (1) require post-acute care (PAC) providers to report standardized patient assessment data, data on quality measures, and data on resource use and other measures, all meeting specified requirements; (2) require the data to be standardized and interoperable to allow for its exchange among PAC and other providers to give them access to longitudinal information so as to facilitate coordinated care and improve Medicare beneficiary outcomes, including in the discharge planning process; and (3) modify PAC assessment instruments applicable to PAC providers for the submission of standardized patient assessment data on such providers and enable assessment data comparison across all such providers. The provisions of the IMPACT bill also require home health agencies, inpatient rehabilitation facilities, and long-term care hospitals to implement, according to a three-phase schedule, and submit data on quality measures and resource use as well as standardized patient assessment data.
Counting Congresses: So far, in the current 2013-2014 113th Congress, 185 federal bills have been signed into law. Contrast this with the 2011-2012 112th Congress in which 232 federal bills were signed into law. A quick review from the 93rd Congress (1973-1974) through the 111th Congress (2009-2010) reveals this current 113th Congress to have the lowest number of signed bills. For example, in the 100th Congress (1987-1988) there were over 700 bills signed by President Reagan. During the 104th Congress (1995-1996), President Clinton signed over 300 bills. Over 500 bills were signed by President Bush in the 108th Congress (2003-2004). Our legislative and regulatory research talents include federal legislative research . The oldest federal bill researched by LIS was enacted in 1800! If you have a need for research of any federal legislation from any Congress, contact us .
2014 LIS Compendium is Here: Every year, LIS publishes a compendium of notable California legislation signed by the Governor at the end of the year’s legislative session. This year’s Compendium is now available at our website . Take a look at the new 2014 bills relating to your practice or research interests. There, you will find bills that address diverse topics such as privacy, civil rights, marriage, mental health, employment, farm labor, domestic violence, computer crimes, groundwater, and workers’ compensation, just to name a few.
Three Free Self-Study MCLEs: February 1st is coming up sooner than you think! LIS now offers THREE California State Bar approved self-study exams on the separate subjects of legislative process (1 hr.), the California Public Records Act of 1968 (1 hr.) and legal ethics (1 hr. ethics!). These free exams are easily available 24/7 at our website for your convenience and will help you meet your State Bar MCLE compliance. In a timely manner, we will correct the exams and provide you with your State Bar approved certificates electronically.
Free Quotes: Need legislative intent and history research? We’ll provide you with a free email quote, M-F, within one to three hours. Fill out the “Contact” form at our website or simply reply to this email or call us directly at 1-800-666-1917.
LIS 40th Anniversary: With 2014 marking Legislative Intent Service, Inc. ’s 40th year in business, LIS has been in the business of researching legislative history and intent longer than any other private research law firm in California. Many of our long-term clients can look back to our earlier days because they still have our research binders available to their attorneys on their office and library shelves. Now, with pdf delivery of documents, our clients have their legislative history research needs met quickly and completely without copying or scanning charges!
LIS provides excellence in research built upon these four decades of experience, leading to an unparalleled expertise in legislative intent, history and research by our staff attorneys and researchers. Our firm researches all 50 states’ and federal bills. We also research state and federal regulations and California’s Industrial Welfare Commission. Visit our website to learn more about how our legislative research, whether custom or online store, can help you win your case!
- Our Services : federal and state legislation and areas of expertise.
- Free Quotes : Call toll-free 1-800-666-1917 or email your request and one of our LIS attorneys will provide you with a free quote for legislative history research for federal and state laws and regulations.
- LIS Online Store offers fast and inexpensive legislative histories.
- Free MCLEs : 1 hr. legislative history, 1 hr. ethics, and 1 hr. California Public Records Act
- Free Points and Authorities for states and federal legislative intent and history research.
- Cases citing to LIS.
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