Store Research
Senate Joint Resolution No. 20 (Dymally – 1972)
Resolution Chapter 148, Statutes of 1972 - SJR 20
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Senate Joint Resolution No. 20, relating to California’s ratification of the 92nd Congress’ proposed Equal Rights Amendment to the United States Constitution, was introduced by Senator Mervyn Dymally on March 24, 1972. (See Exhibit A, #1a and #1b) This bill appears to be the culmination of several attempts to support a Federal Constitutional amendment. (See Exhibits B, D, and E)
Senate Joint Resolution No. 20 was assigned to the Senate Committee on Rules where policy issues raised by the bill were considered. (See Exhibit A, #2) No amendments were made to Senate Joint Resolution No. 20, and on November 17, 1972, it was recorded by the Secretary of State as Resolution Chapter 148 of 1972. (See Exhibit A, #1b and #2)
Addressing the passage of the 92nd Congress’ House Joint Resolution No. 208, the proposed Equal Rights Amendment to the Constitution stating that “Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex,” California Resolution Chapter 148 declared the following:
Resolved by the Senate and Assembly of the State of California, jointly, A majority of all the members elected to each house of said Legislature voting in favor thereof, that the proposed amendment be and the same is hereby ratified by the Legislature of the State of California.
(See Exhibit A, #1b, page 3441)