Archive Collection of Legislative Intent Service, Inc.
Available for On-Line Purchase

Now you can browse, research and purchase our legislative history compilations online at this website. With more than nine million pages of legislative research collected during our more than thirty years of operation, Legislative Intent Service, Inc. has an unparalleled legislative archive for you to access.

A significant portion of the tens of thousands of legislative bills that we have researched is listed and being uploaded in our archives. We invite you to see if your bills of interest are readily available for purchase by clicking here.

If your search yields no documents, please email us. If the bill or chapter you seek is within LISArchives, we will upload it for you, usually within a few business days.

The uploaded collection is posted for convenient retrieval at a discounted rate, but it lacks confirmation that the research, which was done at any time by our firm during the past 30+ years, is complete. You will notice that there is no declaration executed by one of the staff attorneys that itemizes the documents collected and authenticates the completeness of the research. You will also notice there there is no legislative history report and analysis explaining the legislative process, background, and rationale for the bill and perhaps your section of focus. If you wish to receive any of these additional features, there is an additional charge (see below). The timing for providing these additional features might take two or more days to complete. If you are interested in any one or more of these additional features, please contact our office at 1-800-666-1917 to discuss your research needs.

FEES: We charge separate fees for each of the following services (see * below for disclaimer):

  • Uploaded history ($300.00)*
  • Confirmation of completeness ($100.00)*
  • Executed Declaration ($100.00)*
  • Legislative history report and analysis ($100.00)*

*Disclaimer: The price of the uploaded legislative history that we have collected and posted for on-line purchase has been discounted to $300.00 to reflect the fact that the research has not been confirmed as complete, and that there is no declaration accompanying the research authenticating the materials and no legislative history report and analysis accompanying the materials.