We perform research at the time of your request in a thorough and professional manner; however, further materials on the research may become available over time. Our policy is to report to you by fax concerning any additional material pertinent to your request that becomes available shortly after the date of our initial letter to you. If your need for this research is ongoing after our first report, we recommend that you periodically call to determine whether further documentation on the enactment has become available.

Tapes and Recordings

The Legislature has videotaped selected committee and all floor proceedings since August of 1990. The tapes are available upon request, but require a few weeks to acquire. We recommend that you consider requesting tapes only when language you are focusing upon was changed in the committee or floor amendments and the materials do not provide other discussion of the source and purpose for the change. Please call for information on the availability and cost of the tapes.


We are at your service. Please do not hesitate to call us with your questions at any time. If the scope of the question is beyond what can be done free of charge, we will frankly say so and quote the fee necessary to proceed. But, please, call so we can talk about it.

Free MCLE Talks

Legislative Intent Service attorneys present informed talks on the sources of legislative history and utilization of them to determine legislative intent in construing a statute. We will address interested groups of more than ten attorneys and others. We come at our own expense and at your convenience. Legislative Intent Service has been approved as a provider of Minimum Continuing Legal Education by the State Bar of California. This program will provide one (1) hour of MCLE credit.


"I found very helpful the extensive legislative history prepared at our request on short notice...I was likewise impressed by the thoroughness and depth of the research."
- Attorney from San Jose

"Thank you for the excellence of your work"
-Los Angeles Attorney

"We're really impressed. It's called happy camper time."
-San Francisco Attorney